Add Watermark to the Product Images

Add Watermark to the Product Images

Add watermark to your product images to protect them on the web space.


Go to Settings tab of Store Manager and choose Preferences. In the sections list choose the 'Image Watermark' selection.


The following settings form will be opened:



Find the necessary file destination and specify the filename with your company logo. Use the 'browse' option to open the drive system at your computer.


By helping with special lower options you can adjust the image's watermark in the desired position.


Namely, indicate the watermark opacity level on the image background in the percentage:


Specify the sign location within image - at the top - bottom, right - left - in center of the picture. All necessary data can be selected from the drop-down lists opposite each necessary position:




Set percentage of the watermark to the product image - the less percent is specified - the smaller size will have a watermark on the total background of product pictures.



All settings made in this form will be immediately shown at the preview area below. You can monitor your actions before them finally save.



Press the 'OK' to apply the changes and to close the form.

Note: the watermark will be applied only to the newly-created products and their images.

If you want it will be presented to all products of your store, then you should load them once again (rewrite).