Where is Store Manager Connecting to and Why?

Where is Store Manager Connecting to and Why?


Store Manager for Magento allows you to work with your site from your local PC. For that you need to specify some connection settings that allow you to transfer data from your PC to your server. None of those settings are sent to eMagicOne. None of private information is transferred to our site or server. All data and settings are stored on your local PC and your server.

So let's find out what types of connections from your local PC to your server you may use.

/optional/ means that if you use / enable this option or feature in Store Manager, appropriate data will be sent/used from your server to your local PC. Otherwise data won't be sent/used/transferred.

1. Port 3306 (remote) - MySQL 

  • Is used by MySQL database server at your store (website) in case you have configured direct connection between your site to Store Manager (local PC) in Preferences /optional/
2. Port 80 (remote) - HTTP/HTTPS
  • Bridge connection - a connection between your computer and your store (website) /optional/
  • Software Licensing (license.emagicone.com) - Store Manager verifies license by connecting to our licensing server. This request contains only license number and your local machine identification (internal hardware ID). When this connection is blocked program will not work /required/
  • Error reporting (license.emagicone.com) - Store Manager allows you to report about an error appearing in specific situations. Automated report can include a screen capture (you can disable this option), some sql queries (they may contain some data) and your database structure (structure only, no data). In any case you can check the report and decide if you would like to send it or not. You can skip sending the report, this no data will be sent.  /optional/
  • Check for Update (license.emagicone.com) - Store Manager can notify you if new version is available. You can disable this option in Preferences form/Advanced tab
  • Analytics (Google Analytics) - Store Manager offers you to share your general information with our analytics to make our software better. Non-personal info is sent, e.g. what modules and pages of Store Manager are opened and used, screen resolution, etc. /optional/
3. Port 21 (remote) - FTP 
  • Is used to setup connection between Store Manager (local PC) and your store (server) with the help of special Connection Wizard /optional/
  • Images (Connection between your PC and your server) - used for image and downloadable (ebooks, programs, music etc.) product management between your local PC and your server /optional/
4. Port 25 (remote) - SMTP 
  • Used for emailing (from your computer to your mail server). Depending on the SMTP settings in Preferences any other email port may be used /optional/
5. Port 22 (remote) - SSH connection
  • Is used when SSH direct connection established through SSH channel from your PC to your server /optional/

Note that port numbers mentioned above are most commonly used but they can be different. Contact your local administrator, hosting provider or ISP for details. 

Also you're welcome to check our Privacy Statement

eMagicOne is not sending, copying, forwarding or saving any store information on its servers (under no circumstances).