I found what store manager calls "chunks" of pending data that is waiting to update and i want to delte this change so i can get all the other updates to go through. So how do I do this??? Here is a screen shot showing the chunks: http://prntscr.com/2hxp0y
Deleting "chunk" of pending data that is causing the error when trying to post changes to web
Deleting "chunk" of pending data that is causing the error when trying to post changes to web
Reset password
1 Answer
Jan 10, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyakagentwrote
Hello Dale,
The error you receive indicates, that Store Manager can not Post Changes to Web because some data may be duplicated.
Probably you have being doing some changes from PrestaShop back-end while making changes in Store Manager.
In order to fix the issue, please perform Get Data from Web (in order to synchronize the Store Manger with the actual data of your database), make changes once more and Post Changes to Web.