Keep the modified program view after the software update

Keep the modified program view after the software update

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Jun 05, 2020
Support Manager wrote
It would be useful for the program to save the positions, selection and dimensions of the cells to prevent the user from having to reposition them with each update
6 votes
4 Answers
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Jun 05, 2020
Stefano Malpezzi wrote
Absolutely useful for every single update have to reposition all the cells.
It would also be useful if the product filter were saved on all grouped displays for default
Jun 10, 2020
Damien wrote
Yes. This would be very appreciated...
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Jun 22, 2021
Support Manager agent wrote
In the latest Store Manager version 3.7.0. there is the option to save all the configurations including Store Manager view so you can restore all the settings once reinstall the software or download a new version (for columns view)
Jul 25, 2022
Gaetan wrote
indeed that would be a good idea.
The shop should also not change.
Thanks :)