background colors
I wonder, is the creator of this GU colorblind? where are the background colors? what happened? why did we go from a previous version with a lot of colors to this pathetic black and white version with ugly fonts, why cant i change the look forcefully, what you left looking is pathetic and horrible, please leave all the colors from the old version, don't be so innovative, can you imagine going to buy a car and seeing only the pathetic colors you left behind, why do I have to see it in black and w...
Feb 12 (2 days ago)
1 vote
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Search in atributes window
Hello i have like 500 different atributes, when i add new one it;s ok, you can sort it etc. The problem is when you generate atributes on product, all atributes and their colors, size etc are opened, it;s very hard to find this one you are looking for, specialy if the first worlds of the neame is same, and you can;t see all name. I think the option to just write part of worlds you are looking for, would save so much time.
Feb 07 (7 days ago)
6 votes
Add Some Merge Functions
I would like to suggest some MERGE functions be added to Store Manager. These would be invaluable for me. 1. The ability to MERGE two product IDs together would be extremely useful for my business. 2. Equally important, in terms of managing my large and growing list of PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES would be a MERGE ATTRIBUTES function. As an example, Before I started synchronizing my shop with eBay, I created different attributes for clothing styles, each one for a certain category of clothing: bra styles,...
Jan 13 (32 days ago)
0 votes
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