PrestaShop Manager Feature Request

PrestaShop Manager Feature Request

background colors

I wonder, is the creator of this GU colorblind? where are the background colors? what happened? why did we go from a previous version with a lot of colors to this pathetic black and white version with ugly fonts, why cant i change the look forcefully, what you left looking is pathetic and horrible, please leave all the colors from the old version, don't be so innovative, can you imagine going to buy a car and seeing only the pathetic colors you left behind, why do I have to see it in black and w...
1 vote
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Duplicate Product in Multistore "All shops"

If you have example 5 shops with diffrent currency and price. If want to duplicate product to all shops SM take all values but not price and currency. SM write same currency, tax rate and price from main shop to all shops. It should be duplicated shopwise like all other fields does.
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Search in atributes window

Hello i have like 500 different atributes, when i add new one it;s ok, you can sort it etc. The problem is when you generate atributes on product, all atributes and their colors, size etc are opened, it;s very hard to find this one you are looking for, specialy if the first worlds of the neame is same, and you can;t see all name. I think the option to just write part of worlds you are looking for, would save so much time.
6 votes

combination generator

Combination generator is hard to use when Iv got many avialble atributes with many values - a lot of time needed to find proper values. Defoult they are not - so i waist a lot of time to roll up until i find proper group. When I add it again all groups are rolled over and again I need roll up to find proper value. Simple solution: all atrubutes groups should be rolled up.
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Sale price with tax missing only Price with tax (Retail price with tax) showing

The product listing only shows Price with Tax (Retail price with tax). It does not show Sale Price (with tax). It has no discount you can only show hide specific price but you can not actually see that price.
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Customer email adress in order Tab

Could you add the customer's email address in the Order section (TAB)? Regards, Algimantas
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Import products and identify them by supplier + supplier reference

We do get pricefiles from our suppliers and when we want to import them into Prestashop its not always possible to use EAN or reference. But something we always do get in the pricefiles are supplierID and supplier reference. Today its only possible to import using supplier reference. This is a good start but this is not 100% safe cause different suppliers might have the same supplier reference which would overwrite all found occurencies in database - even though they dont belong to that supplier...
4 votes
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Sync Inventory between PHP bridged shops

Auto-sync or manual sync product quantity using different PHP bridge connections. I have 3 websites and I am using different PHP bridge file for each shop. Every time a product quantity changes in one shop, then update the quantity in other shops so maybe Bridge A read ID,Reference,Quantity and then transfer data to Bridge B and Bridge C. Even better by using cron job.
1 vote
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Add checkbox for fast enable/disable watermark

Add a checkbox in the right corner for enabling/disabling the use of watermarks. I do use watermarks the most of the time but sometimes I download images from my suppliers (which I can use legally) and then I dont want to put my watermark on it cause its really not my own image. Its a lot of clicks and takes much time to go into preferences and enable or disable the use of the watermark. Would be great to have a small checkbox in the right corner where images can be added to enable/disable.
2 votes
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Supply order. Warehouse stock increase and decrease by barcode scanner.

There is a POS for sales. But why there is no option for supply orders. Prestashop backoffice got this feature, but your manager doesnt. And also ability to make supply orders directly from the sales order, just by pressing a button in the purchase orders. For example if we have order for five macbooks and ten Galaxy, then the button should create supply order from 10 macbooks from Apple and five Galaxies from Samsung supplier. And prestashop has wholesale price data, then put this price in the ...
22 votes

Add Some Merge Functions

I would like to suggest some MERGE functions be added to Store Manager. These would be invaluable for me. 1. The ability to MERGE two product IDs together would be extremely useful for my business. 2. Equally important, in terms of managing my large and growing list of PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES would be a MERGE ATTRIBUTES function. As an example, Before I started synchronizing my shop with eBay, I created different attributes for clothing styles, each one for a certain category of clothing: bra styles,...
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Edit Date Product ID was Created

When I use the clone product function, it is often to split an existing product into a new product that contains combinations that are no longer in the current catalog, so that I can put just those colors, sizes or styles ON SALE and separately select to DENY ORDERS when the product is not in stock. This latter is because I can no longer order the products from the manufacturer and I want to sell off the last pieces at a big discount to clear my stock. But, the newly created product ID shows up ...
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Automated update for Warehouse stock

Feature to choose which warehouse to affect when importing stock and product info from supplier. At the moment it is only affecting/changing stock situation for normal "product_qty". Working with presta 1.5 and up with the new warehouse function. This new suggestion should become a standard to be able to use Prestashop funtions all the way.
14 votes

Local LLM support

I'm writing to express my enthusiasm for the ChatGPT plugin you've integrated. It's a fantastic addition that significantly enhances the platform's capabilities. I believe there's a potential to further optimize the platform's performance and cost-efficiency by introducing the ability to integrate local Large Language Models (LLMs). Similar to the ChatGPT plugin, users could connect their own LLMs to the platform, allowing for more tailored and cost-effective solutions. I'm confident that this ...
0 votes

Import plugin improvements

I am writing to propose significant improvements to the current import feature. While the existing functionality is helpful, I believe it can be significantly enhanced to provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience. Currently, the import process, particularly when converting and mapping complex data formats like XML to CSV, is often time-consuming and error-prone. The lack of real-time preview and an intuitive interface can lead to multiple iterations and user frustration. To address t...
0 votes


Hello: We have a problem with the Amazon plugin. We explain… We send the items to Amazon through its module, only for Offers already published to which our price and shipping offer is added. The problem that arises is that Amazon has thousands of incorrectly published products and opening a case for Amazon to correct the article is very laborious, they ask for a lot of documentation and evidence, photos and in the end it is almost impossible to correct it. Therefore the easiest and fastest way i...
0 votes

EAN or Reference in Images tab

Is there any chance do add this feature? We have a lot of multicolor products, it will help us with matching photos with combinations.
2 votes
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Export- import combination labels

Import export options for combination label when in stock and out of stock not work. This is important when we update statuses of out of stock products, but that are available at a supplier.
1 vote
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Combination's "Impact on price" without VAT

When changing a combination's "Impact on price" it takes into consideration the VAT that is beset for the initially created product. When population product databases we often refer to our distributors webpage lists which may sometimes contain only prices with already included VAT. So if the combination's impact (with VAT included) is say 10 EUR, if I enter 10 it's going to apply the product's beset VAT on top of the 10 EUR. In my case I use 25% VAT so it will add 25% on top of what I enter unde...
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Me gustaría mucho una opción de buscar productos sin descripciones. Gracias !! Excelente herramienta !!
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