Fast Report Tool
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Jan 08, 2013
Ron wrote
I know that you don;t specifically support the Report Tool, but perhaps if you could provide just a couple of examples it may help a lot of people get to grips

Manipulating the style and positions of existing reports is fairly straightforward, but some tips on how to include new fields may really help people

For example

How to include a new field from the existing order table (E.G Customer Message). We can see the syntax should be [frxInvoiceDS."message"] but the message field is not included in the sql file. So a simple example of how to add an existing field to the sql would be great

Fingers crossed ;)
5 Answers
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Jan 09, 2013
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Ron,

Thank you for your post.

Yes, in order to add a new field to the invoice you should modify the appropriate .sql file.

Please find the attached .sql file, where we added a New Field - 'gift_message'.

After the sql file has been modified, you have to paste newly added filed into the .fr3 file to make it displayed at the invoice.

Also you're welcome to find a detailed documentation for Fast Report Tool here:
Feel free to contact us with additional questions.
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Jan 10, 2013
Ron wrote
Thanks Volodymyr that is really useful - thanks

I can now see how to pull information from a table and put it on the invoice.

I can see that T1 = ps_orders
I can see that T2 = ps_order_detail
T3 = ps_carrier


I am trying to get a customers message about an order (not the gift message). The messages are in table ps-message - non of the "T" numbers link to that table as far as I can see

So my question would be, have you created those table links so that T1 = ps_orders If so is there a list somewhere of which T number links to which presta table?

Or do I need to create that myself - if so any help would be appreciated?
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Jan 11, 2013
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Ron,

Thank you for your question.

In order to add a field from a separate table, you have to join it (the table) to the .sql file.

For example if you have to add a 'message' field from 'ps_message' table, you should:

- Join the table where 'message' field is located in the database - table name: 'message':
(LEFT JOIN /*PREFIX*/message TM ON TM.id_order = T1.id_order)

- add a new field "TM.message" to the select

After that you may include a new field name to the .fr3 file.
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Jan 11, 2013
Ron wrote
Many thanks, I can see I am going to have fun over the weekend :)

Just to be clear, the TM you mention above can be made up - so I could use any prefix?
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Jan 14, 2013
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Ron,

Yes, you may use any field name, we just used a short value for example field name.