description_short limited on product import/update

description_short limited on product import/update

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May 23, 2021
Thomas wrote
Hi, got some trouble with description_short on product import and update.

I have set description_short length to 3000 symbols in PS backoffice, same value are in PS DB.
If I put longer than 255 description_short using PS BO, description is saved and shown as expected. Same if description_short is updated manually in Prestashop Manager - longer descriptions are saved as expected and pushed to DB just fine.

Problem is, when description _short is imported or product is updated via import.
In that case description_short is limited to 255 symbols.

Any ideas?

4 Answers
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May 23, 2021
Thomas wrote
SM 3.6.0 2673
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May 25, 2021
Support Manager agent wrote
Thanks for your post. Strange regarding import limitations reported - import allows adding more data(we tested this) then backoffice allows

It may be that you have a customized database and description_short has the type varchar()
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May 27, 2021
Thomas wrote
There isn't any customizations in DB.
I updated manager to 3.7.0 (2695) as well bridge connector (3.0.14), I tried update information only for one store (I am using multishop), nothing changes.

As I can manually add description in manager and push it to store DB, but bug appears only on import, so there is definitely something wrong on import process on manager or something has changed on PS.

If there would been some varchar limit , store manager should import import full length locally anyway.
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May 28, 2021
Support Manager agent wrote
We were not able to reproduce the issue. Lets continue investigation on your import file and configuration