Hi, I'd like to have a feature that allows the user to export / import customers details so that I can transfer them from an old to a new installation of prestashop. It would be very very very useful and a highly appreciated feature. Thanks
1 vote
4 Answers
Oct 15, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Enea!
We are going to present new customer export in Store Manager for PrestaShop.
New Release with Customers Export will be available in November 2013.
Import of customers in our future Releases. (I guess it will be Q1 - 2014)
Nov 22, 2013
Dean Dolićwrote
If I may add that this feature can be useful when I'm creating a list with the customer emails and import those lists into some 3rd party service like MailChimp for sending offers and promotions.
Other useful thing would be extracting their phone numbers for marketing purposes and for implementing their contact details in our customized SMS service.
+1 vote
Nov 25, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Field "email" is available in future Release of Store Manager for PrestaShop (with Export of customers)
Field "phone" also.... in case if phone number was indicated by user in address 1 or address 2
small update - new version will be available before Dec. 10th 2013