Rank math pro ADD PLUGIN support request. Yoast is just expensive and not that good anymore!

Rank math pro ADD PLUGIN support request. Yoast is just expensive and not that good anymore!

Oct 16 (4 months ago)
Konstantinos Magkos wrote
I think i talk on behalf of many wordpress users. Yoast has become old, expensive, with the least features than many other plugins on the market. I want to purchase this software so bad but the only thing that stops me is the lack of compatibility for rank math pro. Its not only not working, it breaks the website. I base my request also on the fact that you can buy Rank Math Pro agency plan official license from developers around the web for next to nothing. Also yoast lacks an unlimited number of features compared to Rank math pro. I will attach a link from an indepedent 3rd party developer comparing them. You can literally buy official license for rank math pro legally for like 10$ these days while yoast asks for 100$ per year and bloats the site extremely bad with ads and annoying popups and slower loading times generally for the customer.I cant share links where you can find official license from agency plan owners that sell it for 10$ but a fast google search is more than enough. Please read the following review comparing Rank math with Yoast: https://onlinemediamasters.com/rank-math-vs-yoast/#features. It's just bad! It used to be a good seo plugin but its just not anymore! Rank math pro has been requested previously again but this time there are several good reason to vote for it!! Price, site speed, features. Its just uncomparable! A simple query analyze will show how slow yoast is! I think i talk on behalf of alot of people about this plugin. Please add support for or vouch that you will add support and i will subscribe now to woocommerce manager in 10 seconds! I love woocommerce manager too much and the incompatibility with rank math pro makes it a no go. To achieve the results rank math does to the website you have to install 10 different plugins with many of them being expensive paid subscriptions. It's the natural progress of things, yoast is just not relevant anymore, not as good as rank math pro is. Make a test website and install rank math pro to see what i mean. Thanks for reading. I hope you will seriously consider my request. This is the 3rd post that was done for rank math pro with the first being on 2023 from other users. I hope for people to vote!!! The best part is that you can get agency license for like 10$ legally 1000000%. Not nulled or GPL or anything like that. Official license for life for 10$ from agency account owners. Yoast is just bad and charges tons of money for alot less features and a punishing speed. Please read carefully the review from the link and do your own research and then please vote! I understand its alot of changes that have to be done but Rank Math Pro is essential for running a website with woocommerce.
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