Hello Perrone.
Q: - I want to delete strange characters from a type field (!, £, = etc) I tried the replace command but I get an error in the SQL syntax;
A: You may use the following expression to remove a single character:
REPLACE([CSV_COL(5)], '$', '')
And the following schema to remove multiple characters:
REPLACE (REPLACE([CSV_COL(5)], '$', ''), '%', '')
Q: - I want to delete the blank spaces in consecutive excess within the name field or the concatenated description (like in Excel);
A: Please describe more exactly.
Q: - a supplier submits my price list to .csv files (file1) but without the quantities that are instead on a second file (file2) and the images in a third file (file3)
A: No, all data should be in one file.
In case the data are in different files, the common identifier in each file is required (ID, Reference, EAN etc).
Q: - can I decide not to import a record based on a particular condition of a field in the same record?
A: Yes, in case you decided to skip products from category 'Towels', you may apply the following expression to Product Name field:
WHEN [CSV_COL(5)] = 'Towels' THEN ''
Where 5 is a # of category column and 2 is a number of product name CSV column.
The main idea is to truncate product names for unwanted items. In case product name is missing during import, the item will not be imported.
Q: - can I add more "FIELD IDENTIFIERS" in addition to those already present?
A: No, Import Wizard allows identifying products by Reference, Name (or both), ID, EAN, and UPC.