Well this is urgent because form today until 29th so two day ebay is giving 5000 free listings that normally cost me .30 each so this adds up and i need to get the export function working. I have this error before and it just for some reason fixed itself.I think i know what caused it cause after it fixed its self the same action caused it again. This error says I haven't filled out the fields : http://prntscr.com/2n6qvy
but if you can see I have:
but if you look at the next screen shot you will see I have
This error seemed to Happened after i added this item specific. (both times it happened): http://prntscr.com/2n6qvy
And i did try clearing the ebay cache and it didnt help
btw disregard the Paypal error. its just because Im in the sandbox account but I get the same error when exporting with live version: http://prntscr.com/2n6urs
Jan 28, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyakagentwrote
Hello Dale,
We have tried to reproduce the issue from our side, however we could't as it works fine.
Please contact us via live chat at: http://store.emagicone.com/ so we could advise you on this regard.
Jan 28, 2014
Dale Buirdwrote
Well i was able to fix the problem late last night but I still cant add additional item specifics without encountering this item again. But ill go to chat and report it now