Is it possible to import additional fields using Automated Product Import

Is it possible to import additional fields using Automated Product Import

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Sep 01, 2014
Jim Lam wrote

I can import "wholesale price" for the product which is the buying price for the product. However, after I import, when I look at the Supplier tab, it shows that under the Supplier, the Unit Price is still 0. Is it possible for me to create a field and import the correct amount there.

Additionally, if I have an extra field defined in the ps_product table, such as RRPExTax, can I add a field in the import definition to import the data into the database?

Thank you for your attention.

1 Answer
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Sep 02, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Jim,

Store Manager allows to import a suppliers references for multiple suppliers. Currently it is not possible to import Unit price tax excluded for each supplier, however you're welcome to submit it as a feature request and we will consider it in future:

Store Manager allows to import values into any fields from 'ps_product' and 'ps_product_lang' database tables.