I can import "wholesale price" for the product which is the buying price for the product. However, after I import, when I look at the Supplier tab, it shows that under the Supplier, the Unit Price is still 0. Is it possible for me to create a field and import the correct amount there.
Additionally, if I have an extra field defined in the ps_product table, such as RRPExTax, can I add a field in the import definition to import the data into the database?
Thank you for your attention.
Is it possible to import additional fields using Automated Product Import
Is it possible to import additional fields using Automated Product Import
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1 Answer
Sep 02, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyakagentwrote
Hello Jim,
Store Manager allows to import a suppliers references for multiple suppliers. Currently it is not possible to import Unit price tax excluded for each supplier, however you're welcome to submit it as a feature request and we will consider it in future:
Store Manager allows to import values into any fields from 'ps_product' and 'ps_product_lang' database tables.