Good evening, Yosh!
What parameters do you mean?
price, q-ty, status ?
How about to use drop-down filter - show all grouped ?
watch video -
Well, in this case it'll be missunderstod.
Right now when you choose active Shop - you'll be able operate with current date.
If another Shop will be selected in Mass Changer - it's confusing for customer.
What Shop is active right now ?
see screenshot -
What do you think ?
I mean all the parameters on that window. Precisely the most important to me are the ones on the tab "Advanced Modifier". I know adding another shop selector on that window is confusing, that is why I first suggested to use currently selected shop behind. That would be the best.
The problem now is the changes applied with this tool are applyting to all shops which is confusing too. Imagine I want to change description for several products at the same time (or even just change prices with the price modifier) but only for currently selected shop, right now this is not possible because it will change on all shops.
A multishop environment implies every product-related tool should work on its own shop, like the Prestashop BO.
May 08, 2015
Yosh Mwrote
P.S. I can't be unassigning and re-assigning products to shops every time I want to use this tool.
May 10, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Good morning Yosh!
Nice to hear you again :-)
Well , you'll be able to set Association in bulk for list or selected products easily.
In this case you don't need Mass Changer
Please use bottom Tab in program with selected products
Watch video -
Unassigning and reassigning products to shops to be able to use the mass changer for a specific shop is not a solution.
For instance, how would you change price to -20% for selected products only on shop A, when some of the products are assigned to shop A and B, and others to Shop A and C ?? Right now it is not possible. Even if I unassign products from shops B and C and change the price with the Mass Changer tool, after when I assign back the products to shops B and C they would have the new price, not the old one. One of PS features is it allows a product to have different prices per shop.
May 13, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Good morning, Yosh!
Well, this is video example of changes - Mass Product Changer for all shops (selected shop) -
According to this video - Mass product changer will operate for selected shop only.
Maybe you are right. It's nice idea to implement such drop-down menu with shop in Mass Product Changer form.
Let's wait for user activity for this suggestion.
For a while we are working on next Release and will return to this suggestion.
May 13, 2015
Yosh Mwrote
Hello, you are right, the prices do change only on selected shop which is correct, but the parameters on "Advanced Modifier" are applying to all shops (which was what I had tested before opening this FR). The changes on this tab should only apply to current shop too (same as on prices tab), it not this tool is acting totally inconsistent.
Check here:
May 13, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for video...
ok. give us some time.
I'll try to update your post soon.
May 14, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
I've got meeting with our dev. team.
This task was added in current plan of development.
Thanks Yosh! :-)
May 14, 2015
Yosh Mwrote
Thanks! ;-)
May 14, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Please wait for next Beta Release.
It'll be ready in few days. :-)
Jun 15, 2015
Yosh Mwrote
Hi! ETA is still April 28?
Jun 25, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Yosh!
I'm back.
We are working on PrestaShop Cloud support.
So, Roadmap was changed -