Categories don't appear in store after import

Categories don't appear in store after import

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Nov 02, 2012
Jack Pilowsky wrote
I imported my categories via CSV. Here is a sample:

"Category ID";"Parent category";"id_shop_default";"level_depth";"nleft";"nright";"active";"date_add";"date_upd";"position";"is_root_category";"id_shop";"Category Name";"Description";"link_rewrite";"meta_title";"Meta keywords";"Meta description";"Category Image";"group_name"
"";"2";"1";"2";"";"";"1";"";"";"0";"0";"1";"Root|Home|Acura";"";"acura";"Acura Clutch Kits, Flywheels, Clutch Discs, Pressure Plates and more";"Acura Clutch Kits Flywheels Clutches Discs Pressure Plate";"Our full selection of Acura clutch kits, flywheels, clutch discs, pressure plates, clutch bearings and master/slave cylinders";"";"Visitor|Guest|Customer"

The categories show up on Store Manager, but they are not on the Prestashop back or front end. I then checked the database on phpMyAdmin and they are not there either. I opened up bridge and checked the SQL file. Here is a sample:

INSERT IGNORE INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group) VALUES (2, 1);/*DELIMITER*/
INSERT INTO `ps_category` (`id_category`, `id_parent`, `id_shop_default`, `level_depth`, `nleft`, `nright`, `active`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `position`, `is_root_category`)
VALUES (6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '2012-11-01 17:04:41', '2012-11-01 17:04:41', 1, 0);
INSERT INTO `ps_category_lang` (`id_category`, `id_shop`, `id_lang`, `name`, `description`, `link_rewrite`, `meta_title`, `meta_keywords`, `meta_description`)
VALUES (6, 1, 1, 'Acura', NULL, 'acura', NULL, NULL, NULL);/*DELIMITER*/
UPDATE `ps_category`
SET `id_category` = 6, `id_parent` = 2, `id_shop_default` = 1, `level_depth` = 0, `nleft` = 0, `nright` = 0, `active` = 1, `date_add` = '2012-11-01 17:04:41', `date_upd` = '2012-11-01 17:04:41', `position` = 2, `is_root_category` = 0
WHERE id_category = 6;
UPDATE `ps_category_lang`
SET `id_category` = 6, `id_shop` = 1, `id_lang` = 1, `name` = 'Acura', `description` = NULL, `link_rewrite` = 'acura', `meta_title` = 'Acura Clutch Kits, Flywheels, Clutch Discs, Pressure Plates and more', `meta_keywords` = 'Acura Clutch Kits Flywheels Clutches Discs Pressure Plate', `meta_description` = 'Our full selection of Acura clutch kits, flywheels, clutch discs, pressure plates, clutch bearings and master/slave cylinders'
WHERE id_category = 6 AND id_shop = 1 AND id_lang = 1;/*DELIMITER*/
INSERT IGNORE INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group) VALUES (6, 1);/*DELIMITER*/
INSERT IGNORE INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group) VALUES (6, 2);/*DELIMITER*/
INSERT IGNORE INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group) VALUES (6, 3);/*DELIMITER*/
INSERT IGNORE INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group) VALUES (6, 1);/*DELIMITER*/
INSERT IGNORE INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group) VALUES (2, 1);/*DELIMITER*/

I'm thinking either its a problem with "NULL" or I need to take an extra step to send the data to the store.
3 Answers
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Nov 05, 2012
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Jack,

Thank you for letting us know.

Please submit a ticket here: so we could provide you with further instructions and check the issue more deeply.
We're looking forward to hearing from you.
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Nov 11, 2012
Protokos wrote
i got that same problem, what was the solution??
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Nov 12, 2012
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Protokos,

Thank you for your message.

Please make sure, that you have Posted Changes to Web after the import:

If the issue remains, please submit a ticket: so we could check it in an individual order.
Let us know if you need more assistance.