Please the ability to add product image to the invoice or packing slip?

Please the ability to add product image to the invoice or packing slip?

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Jan 12, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy wrote
Please vote for this suggestion to speed up implementation! :-)
5 votes
6 Answers
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Jan 12, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Here it is simple variant. It works for 1 image only. It suits for logo or image only.
You can implement such featue yourself right now.
How it works?
step1 - find invoice report -
c:\Users\ YOUR LOGIN \AppData\Local\eMagicOne Store Manager for PrestaShop\Reports\

step 2 - click on invoice

step 3 - edit or add new logo - see screenshot - invoice-logo.png

step4 - also you can change you logo in Preference window - section Advanced - see pic logo-advanced.png
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Jan 12, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
How ofthen do you need to show products in invoice ?
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Nov 13, 2015
Yosh M wrote
This is an option in backoffice now - to include product images on invoice. Would be neat on the SM.
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Nov 17, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Sorry for double comment ... we've faced with a technical issue with our support system before.
So, I'll duplicate my answer just in case

Could you provide example of this type of invoice?
Do you have custom invoice ?
I found the following example - screenshot

Jul 05, 2016
杨亮 wrote
the backoffice can do this now, if we can do in store manager thats much better, we donlt need to go back again to backoffice.

r u developing this now ?
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Jul 21, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Are you talking about this product images ? see screenshots
if yes - this task in our to-do list.