Hello, it would be really good to be able to see/edit tags for an entry in the product listing. Is there any way of doing so or is there a chance of implementing this?
Tags in columns in Categories & Products?
Tags in columns in Categories & Products?
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3 Answers
Sep 19, 2022
Support Manageragentwrote
Thanks for your post. The Tag field is not available in the product grid - it is in the lower product grid. If you mean Create/Edit Product window, the Tags are there https://www.screencast.com/t/nA5pK1acAcS0
You can update them in bulk via Mass Changer https://www.screencast.com/t/wgj5EyBHY
Sep 24, 2022
Hello, and thank you for your reply. This still means that I'd have to go in on each individual post to modify TAGs properly. Say I've forgotten a tag, I.e "Manufacturer 1" on some posts, there's no simple way to click-edit it. Is it because tags are language-bound?
Product one : Blister, Grey, Pewter, Manufacturer 1
Product two : Box, Grey, Plastic, Manufacturer 1
Product three-to-five : Blister or Box, Blue, Pewter,
A mass-update just sets all of them to the same TAG combination.
Oct 11, 2022
Support Manageragentwrote
Thanks for your reply. You are right - tags are language bounded. If you need to add different tags for each product - you are right, you need to proceed to every product. But you just click needed products and add/change tags in the lower product grid. If you need to change tags for different languages - you will need additionally proceed to that language field. I will discuss with the team the possibility to add the tags needed with the help of Mass changer and expressions https://www.screencast.com/t/PPNwGmlM2TaL