Store Manager for PrestaShop MAC Version

Store Manager for PrestaShop MAC Version

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Aug 06, 2013
Dmytro Grycelyak wrote
I suggest to develop a MAC version of the Store Manager for PrestaShop.
77 votes
72 Answers
Aug 06, 2013
Vjatscheslav Ringe wrote
wonderful idea
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Aug 20, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Who wants to use MAC-version - vote for implementation. :-)
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Oct 22, 2013
Rodrigo Gómez Hirtz wrote
I want this! i'm going to do it. If u want to help just right me back!
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Oct 23, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for your vote, Rodrigo!
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Oct 25, 2013
Rodrigo Gómez Hirtz wrote
Your welcome Sergiy!
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May 01, 2014
DN Tactical wrote
I would definitely vote for this. As one of the most powerful tools for back office, being a MAC user it's a shame it hasn't been done. Using parallel is ok but looses too much translation and is a lot of hassle. Please create one even if the price was a bit more. Voted for!!
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May 02, 2014
Danny Hibell wrote
DN - I totally agree... I am always a MAC user, and have to use VM Fusion to run this software. Would love to see a OSX version, and the ability to use the PC licence key I have already purchased on the OSX version.
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May 05, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for your votes.
Right now we have 2 votes for MAC version.
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May 06, 2014
Danny Hibell wrote
How many votes do we need for something like this to go though?

I would be surprised if the majority of the people who use your software would know about these forums, I didn't until I logged a support request and your staff advised they existed...

If you need more than say 50 votes for this to be done then we have no chance...
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May 06, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
It depends on tread activity and number of votes.
Right now we have 4 persons here.
After 15-20 votes I'll try to initiate discussion with our development team.
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May 06, 2014
DN Tactical wrote
Can my vote count for 10 people to speed things up?
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May 06, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Such results will not be taken for consideration.

One more thing, the development process of Store Manager is time consuming process.
In case of positive result it takes from 1 to 2 years.
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Mar 04, 2015
Daniel Sanchez wrote
we need the version Mac thanks
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Mar 05, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for your comment.
By the way,,,, as an quick decision - "Mac Basics: Using Windows on your Mac with Boot Camp"
How about to use Boot Camp for Mac ?
In this case you can install Store Manager right now on Windows OS.
See more -
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Mar 05, 2015
Danny Hibell wrote
We have ditched Store Manager and moved to another system due to the lack of a OSX version, and there not going to be one in the future...

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Mar 05, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Well. it's up to you. Store Manager is "all in one" program. So you don't need to buy additional extension for each store. It's better to use one program for list of stores. :-)
Right now Store Manager works on Windows OS.
But you can use Boot Camp feature in both variants.
This is quick solving of suggestion.
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Mar 05, 2015
Danny Hibell wrote
Boot Camp is a quick fix but what needs to be made clear is the user then needs to buy a Microsoft Windows licence at around £100 extra to be able to use your software on a Mac.

Also for myself I use the OSX side of my MAC allot, so having to re boot into Boot Camp all the time to be able to manage my store was not an option.

Dont get me wrong, your software, for what it does is great... (If your a windows user) IMO if your a 100% OSX user you need to look elsewhere.
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Mar 05, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for comment.
It's clear.
From our side we are looking the new possibilities of MAC support for Store Manager

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Mar 05, 2015
DN Tactical wrote
This is great news. There are a lot of other software packages that could be used out there, but for the ease and simplicity of this software, it can't be beaten. I also agree with Danny, I understand the length of time it will take to generate a OS X version, but really think the end gain and result will pay dividends in the end for your company. More and more companies are switching to OS X and Mac use for compatibility and connectivity I can only see the market getting stronger over time. Please look into this as a matter of urgency as I can only imagine once a mac version is available that sales will take off with the correct marketing and word of mouth spread. I for one will definitely be purchasing or upgrading to a mac version when its available.
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Mar 05, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
We are thinking about 2 variants:
- Native code development (long time consumption variant)
- Store Manager with Java virtual machine (resource consumption variant)

In both variants it is not so fast.
Thanks again for your vote.

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Mar 06, 2015
Yosh M wrote
I'm really interested in this too, I have even tried installing it on Wine but there is no way of getting it to work. Rebooting into Windows or having a Windows VM only for SM is definitely not very practical. I will also purchase a license when the MAC version is out ;-)

P.S. I would rather wait for native code development version even if it takes longer because after it will have a better performance in the long term. I am willing to test beta versions while it is under development.
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Mar 06, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for comment Yosh!
Don't forget to vote for this suggestion :-)
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Mar 22, 2015
Станислав Семенов wrote
Hi! I want MAC version too!!!
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Mar 23, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for you vote Stanislav! :-)
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Apr 01, 2015
Grant Blackford wrote
Has the work for the making of this software started yet?
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Apr 01, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
At the moment, we are preparing a team of developers. At the end of the process - I will try to announce the details and deadlines development.
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Jun 17, 2015
Yanqing Liu wrote
Please, Mac version.
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Jun 20, 2015
Andrew Kumar wrote
+1 please!
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Jun 25, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for your vote!
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Jul 06, 2015
Alan Masters wrote
Please, a Mac option will be a bliss!!! Imagine that i had to download an Windos ISO, build into a VirtualBox, configure the internet conection, and then try to use your solution, with a poor screen resolution and keyboard issues, due all this mess if you have this Mac option please let me know, i can pay for that, i think that every one that uses linux/mac does. Thanks in advance!
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Jul 07, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for your voice Alan!
Dec 30, 2016
Hej wrote
More more more more ! We need MAC
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Dec 30, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for a request and your vote.
Right now we are working on MAC version of Store Manager for Magento.
According to estimate date - I hope it will be available as a Beta next year - 2017.
So, PrestaShop Store Manager with MAC-support in the list.
Dec 30, 2016
Hej wrote
Woot finaly !!!
Will it be working on Prestashop also then ??
I have been using your system since looong looong time ago, but just for Windows, and it stoped as yeah you know. You kinda don't have a Mac software.
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Dec 30, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
yes, I hope PrestaShop Store Manager will be next :-)
Feb 13, 2017
Hej wrote
Any update ?
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Mar 01, 2017
Павел Комар wrote
Planning to do a Mac version of Prestashop?
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Mar 14, 2017
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote

We're still working on MAC version of Store Manager and doing our best to release it within 6 moths.
Sep 20, 2017
Webmaster wrote
Any Update? Last Update was 6 month ago? :)
Oct 15, 2017
杨亮 wrote
is that be done ?
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Nov 17, 2017
Contact | wrote
Hi Volodymyr ! We need the MAC version !!! When do you foreseen it will be released for Presta?
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Nov 24, 2017
Patrick Schrenk wrote
It would be perfect!
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Dec 03, 2017
Daniel Sanchez wrote
Seria perfecto
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Mar 01, 2018
Patrick Schrenk wrote
Any new update? :)
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Mar 24, 2018
Murat Kasmer wrote
I am also really curious to the status of the Mac release, would be great if there would be an update on the status..
Jun 11, 2018
Zane Brattan wrote
Any update on this? Was holding off on buying until the Mac version was released

Jun 25, 2018
Peter Fähndrich wrote
any update on this, it's a pain working with parallels ;-) thanks, guys!
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Jul 06, 2018
Las Vegas NV wrote
We need it!
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Jul 06, 2018
Las Vegas NV wrote
Mac all the way!
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Jul 06, 2018
Las Vegas NV wrote
Will buy the business plan now, but i am on MAC.
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Aug 01, 2018
Protasewicz Marek wrote
5 years later still nothing ;)
Sep 14, 2018
Vidal wrote tell, Yes
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Oct 24, 2018
Petri Kallio wrote
Pleeeaassseee! MAC version ... Thank you :)
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Nov 28, 2018
Adeline Immo wrote
Hey! When will you develop mac version? we need it!!!!!
Dec 01, 2018
Jordi wrote
This is the best option. I'm using Prestashop Manager since more than 4 years ago in my Mac and I hate Parallels (and Windows, of course!)
Apr 03, 2019 wrote
On attends tous avec grand intérêt une version pour MAC.
Jun 06, 2019
Easy-Pharma - Carl Valcke wrote
This would be very awesome, i am actually running a temp VM with Microsoft just for the Store Manager!
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Jul 05, 2019
Dan Guerrero wrote
Of course we all need this! We're more and more people using Mac, in fact I think mac users usually want the best software, and Store Manager deserves the title! I know more people that didn't vote here and wants it, please.
Aug 15, 2019
Alex Neacsu wrote
I want too!!!!!
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Sep 12, 2019
Chris Rabkin wrote
I have a customer that would use this if there was a mac version!
Oct 19, 2019
MANUEL wrote
Yo uso MAC y sería estupendo no tener que depender de Windows para poder usarlo. Yo la usaría seguro.
Dec 15, 2019
Alex Neacsu wrote
Can you tell us if at least you've started? We are very interested in this!!!!!!!
Apr 02, 2020
MANUEL wrote
maravillosa idea!!!
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Aug 20, 2020
Ignazio Lo Iacono wrote
I need the Mac version!!! :-)
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Dec 01, 2020
Sergio Betancourt wrote
In my business oficie only use Mac Pro and iMac.
Parallels is a Horror.
Please need a Mac version.
Dec 29, 2020
Alex Neacsu wrote
Hey, support friends! At least give us an answer... Is not fair for us to write... write... and you to not answer!
Are you planning to start this development or not?
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Mar 31, 2021
Support Manager agent wrote
Thanks, for all the comments and votes. Let me explain some details so you could understand the process of the development and approximate estimates.

The development of an Alpha version of the product takes at least 2 years. The same fully-functional version as we have for Windows will take few more years. The total development time of such a complex product takes about 5 years. When considering the development of such a product we need to investigate the market and to get enough volume of requests, to make sure the product is economically feasible for us and cost-effective for customers. So we are currently in the discovery stage, checking the market and getting requests.
Apr 07, 2021
System wrote

We haven't heard back from you for last 7 days, please confirm that all questions were answered and issues are resolved. In case you haven't received an answer, please check your spam folder or check the status of ticket online at:

Maybe we are waiting for some information from your side? In this case please get back to us.

In case we haven't replied you back or in case of any misunderstanding, please reply to this mail with all details so we could proceed.

If you do not reply us back, the ticket will be automatically closed within 24 hours.

With kind regards,

The eMagicOne Administration Team
Jul 08, 2022
Sven Seele wrote
We need this for 6 Mac Computer.
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Sep 10 (6 months ago)
Yosh M wrote
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Oct 04 (5 months ago)
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Thank you for your comment and sorry to hear that you're disappointed.

The development of a product like Store Manager for PrestaShop with major features takes approximately 2 years (till the moment it can be provided to the market as a public beta). In order to create a Mac version, basically we need to develop one more new project from scratch and keep providing the support of Windows version. The actual development never ends, as it requires new features, the support of new PrestaShop versions as well as old PrestaShop versions (for migrations). We have tried creating a new project for Mac with Magento (it was more popular at that time when we started our Mac project - check trends at -,prestashop,shopify&hl=en ) and we have not received enough customers/sales to proceed, so it was postponed.

Unfortunately, we have not received enough customer requests for PrestaShop that would potentially cover such development.

At the moment the most popular Shopping cart is Shopify, so if you are considering moving to Shopify, you're welcome to try Mac version of Store Manager for Shopify -
Oct 11 (5 months ago)
System wrote

We haven't heard back from you for last 7 days, please confirm that all questions were answered and issues are resolved. In case you haven't received an answer, please check your spam folder or check the status of ticket online at:

Maybe we are waiting for some information from your side? In this case please get back to us.

In case we haven't replied you back or in case of any misunderstanding, please reply to this mail with all details so we could proceed.

If you do not reply us back, the ticket will be automatically closed within 24 hours.

With kind regards,

The eMagicOne Administration Team