Quick Add Data for attributes and values is a killer feature. But for some reason it seems to be the only non-multilingual one. This forces users to directly edit tables in phpMyAdmin to paste long attribute or value lists in several languages.
My request is just to add language tabs to Quick Add Data forms, exactly the same way that other forms in your program. Of course user should paste data in the same order in all tabs, but that's easy to achieve. Thank you!
1 vote
3 Answers
Jul 17, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for comment. We'll include this feature in our future plan of development after consideration.
Aug 01, 2013
Yosh Mwrote
I've thought about this before too, but I think it would even be easier if instead of tabs it would be a a grid with rows and columns (one column per language). This would definitely avoid possible errors of inserting the translations in a different order.
Aug 21, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Yosh!
We are working on this feature. Give us some time :-)