Add custom feilds to store manager!

Add custom feilds to store manager!

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Mar 28, 2017
Support Manager wrote
It would be great to add display also custom fields from WooCommerce, like these ones: in store manager.
Please vote for this feature if you would like to see it in future releases of store manager of store manager!
Thank you!
13 votes
5 Answers
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Oct 12, 2017
Support Manager agent wrote
It would be great also to have the possiblity to export/import custom fields for products in store manager for WooCommerce!
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Oct 12, 2017
Alex wrote
This feature is very critical to be able to import any information added to products by seperate WordPress plugins. One very important example would be any SEO plugin.

At the moment one cannot import any SEO fields into products using store manager. You have to use other solutions for this.
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Oct 13, 2017
Support Manager agent wrote
Hello Alex!

thank you for your comment!

By default WooCommerce does not have the fields for Meta data, like for example PrestaShop, Magento or OpenCart have.

WooCommerce has only Meta Title which it is taken from the product name.
There is no separate field for Meta Title, in browser, there is just displayed Meta Title taken from the product name.

If you would like to suggest to us the support of some plugin for WooCommerce for MetaData, our tech engineers may check if it would be possible to support it in store manager in the future.

Thank you!
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May 23, 2018
Estudio Merca wrote
You could check this plugin:
product-csv-import-suite allows to import and export product medata for each product.
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May 24, 2018
Support Manager agent wrote
Thank you for your comment!
If there will be also some other votes for this plugin support, our tech team can take it into consideration for support in store manager.
Thank you for your patience!