this feature is now not working right - i think you have not been solving it at this time.......but it is functional...... but not well :)
1) If i want to delete all empty categories i can do it this way
- expand category menu
- select all
- click "delete" at keyboard
- hold on "N" as no until all not empty categories are deleted
Here lacks the holding "N" key in windows - they will get the blue screen after longer time of holding it)
2) If the point 1) will be working after clicking "No to all", than it will be the solution.......... i think - GREAT and easy for you solution........
Delete empty categories
Delete empty categories
Reset password
1 Answer
May 22, 2013
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for your note.
We will fix the issue with "No to all" in future releases.
Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions