This plugin introduces database keys to wp_commentmeta, wp_comments, wp_options, wp_postmeta, wp_posts, wp_termmeta, wp_usermeta, and wp_users for faster data access. As this plugin significantly accelerates the retrieval of store items, it would be beneficial for the store manager to incorporate this feature. It requires minimal adjustments and should not be difficult to implement a variable within the plugin to search for these keys, reverting to the standard database query if they are not present. An image detailing the specific modifications made by the plugin is provided to clarify any queries regarding the database call changes.
I haven't used the store manager since the date of this post. Reverting the keys to connect to the shop and then switching back to high-performance keys is too inconvenient.
Jul 22 (7 months ago)
Oksana Semenyukagentwrote
Thank you for submitting a feature request.
The thing is that this plugin add changes to WP/WooCommerce tables, thus altering all WP/WooCommerce entities. That means that we should add changes to each operation that is performed within Store Manager (add, edit, all mass operations, import/export, sync with eBay, Amazon, QB, and others). The approximate time of implementation for such feature would be 2 months, including testing on various versions of WooCommerce. Considering that our customers have not requested this plugin yet, your request was the first one, we cannot proceed with this feature at the moment. We appreciate your understanding.
We welcome our customers to vote for this feature if they are using this plugin or consider using it in the future.
Add Support for Index MYSQL For Speed (High-performance keys)
Add Support for Index MYSQL For Speed (High-performance keys)