Add item name to Customers & Group section and allow us to brows customers by group.

Add item name to Customers & Group section and allow us to brows customers by group.

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Apr 10, 2013
Bawul Lee wrote
I like how you can drag and drop the customer to a group in the Customers & Group section. However, it's missing a big thing! There is no way to know what products the customer purchased!!

It is weird that it's missing the item name while it contains all the other important information such as order id, date, quantity, total, payment, state etc...

We need to know what product they purchase in order to assign them to a proper group...

I also found that we cannot filter customers by group.
For example, when you click on "group A" on the left side, the grid on the right side should only show the customers who belong to the group A..

But it's not possible currently. We would like to export the customers by group for newsletter purposes.

Please add these features as soon as possible.
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3 Answers
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Apr 11, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Hello Kevin! Thanks for feature.
There is small correction for your post.
You told: "I also found that we cannot filter customers by group."
This feature is available in Store Manager for Prestashop.
See screenshot :
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May 06, 2013
Bawul Lee wrote
Okay thanks.
What about the item name?
Is there a way to see the item name in the Customers & Group section?
So we can easily assign the customer to a group by the item he or she purchased?
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May 19, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for suggestion.
Right now you can get q-ty and total sum for Customer -
For a while, you can get more detailed info in Order section -
This is very reasonable suggestion. I'll try to discuss this implementation in Store Manager with our team.