Hello I believe that many of us have some difficulties in setting the invoices and even the labels among other documents with so many codes or know what we want, it would be good to have several invoice templates as well as the challenging documents.
The most important thing for me for example is you can print 1 label only or 2 of the same or you can choose the type of label template if it is A4 page or label roll that type of encoding etc ... These are all templates that can be made easily by anyone who knows that in just 1 day does it all but is something that we have not yet implemented in the software and axo that would be useful for all.
Lastly, we can create personalized labels for the carriers, ie when a sale is made, there is a template dedicated to that carrier and printed with the customer data with EAN codes of the invoice and QR code of all customer information and the same for our company