MultiShop store indicator on 'main screen' of _SM

MultiShop store indicator on 'main screen' of _SM

Jul 20, 2017
Dariusz wrote
Hi there...

refer to MultiStore (MultiShop) ;

I vote for return - as in previous version's of Store Manager - to visiblity of the 'indicator' on 'main screen' which shop is 'ON' at the moment...
- during work between two (or more) shops is realy uncomfortable checking always on which shop I working now...
- with 'indicator' just short look without any click...
- less click = fast / faster = comfort = happiness... :-) do You agree...(?)

in case...
I vote for implement additional collumn with info of relation: product->shop on main window of 'SM'
- I'm absolutely sure that will improve work with 'SM'...
and avoid mistake(s)...

thank you in advance for the support...
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