Bridge: SQL error when posting changes to web

Bridge: SQL error when posting changes to web

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Mar 06, 2015
Giuseppe Tripiciano wrote
I'm trying to update an empty prestashop install with my CSV (around 80k products) correctly imported in Store Manager.
The process starts ok then halfway it stops with this error "Table 'mydb.tasks' doesn't exist" while trying to insert lots of these:
INSERT INTO `tasks` (id_item, id_config, target, source, del_after_load, resize_rule, priority, task_type, count_try, last_error) VALUES (1842048, 1, "img/p/8/5/9/3/9/85939-thickbox.jpg", "", 0, "DontResize=0,UseFixedSize=-1,NewWidth=600,NewHeight=600,NeedDecrease=0,NeedEnlarge=0,BackgroundColor=16777215,FImageFormat=0,FImageResizeBy=0,WatermarkFile=QzpcVXNlcnNcbWF0cml4XERlc2t0b3BcQml0Q2xpY2tcaW1hZ2VzXGZhdmljb25fMDMucG5n,WatermarkOpacity=50,WatermarkVAlign=1,WatermarkHAlign=1,AddWatermark=-1,WatermarkResize=-1,WatermarkPercentageSize=25", 1, 1, 0, "")

mydb and myurl are actually my prestashop db name and my image url, i just changed them to post it here.

This seems something related to uploading images of my products. Anyway there is no such table in the default prestashop install, the tasks table isn't a prestashop table (checked on different PS installs, it's not a default table).

So why is store manager trying to insert into this table? Where does this Tasks table comes from?
If it can helps, my ftp queue is still uploading all the images (on 80k products they are over 1mil so it takes time). Do I have to wait for it to finish first before posting changes?
3 Answers
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Mar 23, 2015
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Giuseppe,

The error you received during Post Changes to Web seems to be a one time issue, as we could not reproduce it from our side. Also we have not heard about it from other users.

If it happens once more, please submit a ticket at: and provide us with your store configuration file* and your Pending Batch Data saved to the .txt file**.

*You can save you store configuration file at: Store Manager > Preferences(F12) > Database Connection tab > Store Configuration section > Actions... > Save current configuration:

** You can find and copy your Pending Batch Data to the .txt file here:
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Mar 23, 2015
Giuseppe Tripiciano wrote
I can replicate the issue everytime, especially with large amount of images (near 1 mill). I sent the conf and batch via email and via livechat already and they are looking into it.
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Mar 24, 2015
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Thank you.

Our techs will do their best to fix it as soon as possible.