Inteligent price. I use price ending ...9 such as 2589,- or 12449,- for example, without decimal places. I have not found a way to set the combination to adjust the final price on the last number ending 9 without decimal places.
Is it possible to add this feature?
1 vote
3 Answers
Sep 27, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for a comment!
Do you want such feature in the Mass Product Changer or Import Section?
Sep 27, 2016
obchod Hoďkywrote
Hello, in Mass Product Changer, applied to selected products...
Sep 28, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Will combination import resolve your problem?
for import - use expressions - rounded to the nearest + 9 without decimal numbers.