When a product has no image and you add one, it is not automatically shown on the product grid. It would be nice if it would so we can see which products are missing images without clicking the "refresh" button.
This is just a suggestion, no hurry at all.
1 vote
3 Answers
Feb 05, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Are you talking about this situation ?
video - http://screencast.com/t/HKUIrp4xM
Well, it's hard to sat what's better for customer.
If you have selected all products and start refresh after every new image - it'll be time consuming process.
Right section of image refresh automatically, product Grid image was not refreshed after adding.
Give me some time - I'll discuss this situation with our developments.
Feb 05, 2015
Yosh Mwrote
Hi, yes, that is the situation I was talking about. Ok, no hurry I just wanted to drop the idea.
Feb 05, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Well , in this situation - we need to think about how to refresh huge number of products in the Product Grid in this case.