I use a module to crypt data of customers but when customers data are encrypted, the database check fails at the launch of PSM.
My product data are not crypted, and I want to use PSM for product management only. How can I restrict the database access of PSM on Product and stock management only (and not Order and client). I tried with user management but the database check fails too because the load is full.
The module is https://addons.prestashop.com/fr/legislation/32189-rgpd-cryptage-des-donnees-clients.html
Thank you!
Customers information crypted by a prestashop module and use of Prestashop store manager
Customers information crypted by a prestashop module and use of Prestashop store manager
Reset password
1 Answer
Jan 11, 2022
Support Manageragentwrote
Thanks for your post. The Store Manager can handle extensions that do not influence on the database integrity (database structure). Store Manager is intended to manage only default databases and it may be not compatible with any extensions, customizations, or any other integrations of third-party companies.
We did not test compatibility of Store Manager with Cryptage des données clients. We work only with default Prestashop. You can test Direct Connection https://prestashop-store-manager-doc.emagicone.com/quick-start-guide/direct-connection-to-mysql-database although, as far as we did not test this module, we can not guarantee proper work and compatibility.
Moreover, make sure that your Store Manager and Prestashop version is compatible as more recent PS versions are supported only by the latest Store Manager