It would be great to copy one product and paste it in different category. And also clone products, so that later only minor change is required to have a new product.
Please vote for this feature, if you would like to see it in future release of store manager for WooCommerce.
Thank you!
16 votes
9 Answers
Aug 12, 2017
Sean VanderMolenwrote
I'm seconding this. It's a pretty important feature that I'm finding I have to leave store manager to do in woocommerce itself. Really important when you have similar products and you don't want to lots of similar information over again.
Aug 14, 2017
Support Manageragentwrote
Hello, Sean!
Thank you for your comment it is really appreciated!
The more votes the feature gets, the sooner it can be taken into consideration for development.
Thank you!
Nov 04, 2017
Handelsonderneming Dohmenwrote
I use this feature on the Prestashop Store manager and it's one of the things i miss in the WooCommerce version
Nov 06, 2017
Support Manageragentwrote
Thank you for your comment and interest in this feature!
We are constantly working on the improvement of store manager for WooCommerce!
Your suggestions and feedback is highly appreciated!
Jan 24, 2018
This is the most recommanded feature to improve productivity (keeping the same caracteristics as a previous product and change it will be way faster)
Jan 24, 2018
Support Manageragentwrote
Hello Jim!
Thank you for your comment and interest in our product!
The more votes the feature gets, the sooner it can be taken into consideration for development!
Thank you for your patience!
Jul 13, 2018
Jérôme Billykitewrote
These is a huge need and gain of time: categories, tag, brands, attributes to not recreate all the time.
gain of time and less mistakes.
Thanks a lot and good job at the development team !
Jul 13, 2018
Support Manageragentwrote
thank you for your comment!
Really appreciated!
Sep 13, 2018
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
This option will be implemented soon (in a few days). Please download new WooCommerce Store Manager Release ver.