Hello guys,
I request this like 6 month ago. The problem happens when I import an excel with changes and in this excel are products with different shop associations, so when I import the file is need it to mark what shops are the products associated but I want to keep the original shop association obviously, because if I import then I need to spend more than an hour to re-associate again the products...
Thank you very much
2 votes
19 Answers
May 09, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello, Angel!
Thanks for the request.
you are right, this is an important option for import.
Right now we are working on fix release for Store Manager - https://www.prestashopmanager.com/store-manager-for-prestashop-roadmap/
We have a long line of tasks for the implementation.
From my side, I'll try to reopen your task and discuss the ability of implementation with our development team.
May 09, 2016
Angel Lorente Gracianowrote
Ok I understand Sergiy, We hope that the problem will be solved asap.
Thank you very much ;)
May 10, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello, Angel!
According to your request.
This option is useful if you want to start a full process - export from Store and import of CSV file.
Moreover, each CSV file from supplied doesn't include information about product shop association.
How do you assign shop association when new supplier file was gotten?
In this case, this option will be suitable for you in the case of export - import.
As a quick decision I want to suggest the following:
You have products with 3 shop associations A,B,C.
in this case, you'll be able to run import 3 times
Run 1 - assign to shop A
Run 2 - assign to shop B etc.
May 10, 2016
Angel Lorente Gracianowrote
Hello Sergiy :)
If for example I want to make the same massive change on the names of some products (which has diferent shop association in some cases) doing "search and replace" on Excel, is neccessary and the only way that I know. Exist the way to do this kind of actions inside Store Manager?
I did the shop associations selecting products in Store Manager and then with the option on the bottom selecting to which shops I want to associate the selected products.
Then when I import the CSV file, on the last step, Store Manager needs to mark the products that I associate to the products on the CSV, but how I told you in this files are products with diferents associations. And is in this last step where I want that Store Manager skip this option to keep the shop association (for example if I don't mark any shop, because actually this means "associate to all shops")
The option that you suggested is one that I used some times but is not really easy to know and separate them :S
Thank you in advance for your help! ;)
May 10, 2016
Yosh Mwrote
I agree with Angel, I suffer this issue too. Most of my product imports are only to modify data "Modify only" option, because either I create the products manually or when I import new products I split those products into a file for each shop. However after I merge them into a single file because it is a lot more handy to have all the products from same category in one file, otherwise some products would be in several different files.
But then when I run an import to "Modify only" I face this issue, all the products are assigned to all the shops I select again. So the initial assignment is lost.
It would be awesome to have an option "keep current shop associations", perhaps it should be selectable only if "Modify only" option is previously selected.
May 11, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Good morning Yosh, Angel!
I want to suggest the following solution for product import with shop association.
To use mapping, like a category - see screenshot.
for example: So if you want to import products and assign them to special shops you need to identify shops with delimiters .
The main problem for this - to use manual work before import. :-(
In this case, it's better to use special Mass changes to assign products in bulk.
I still think an option like "If product exists do not change shop associations" would be more productive and time-saving. Like that shop selection on import would only affect new products.
May 11, 2016
Angel Lorente Gracianowrote
Hi! Thank you guys for improving a solution but your proposal, Sergiy, doesn't work for me because in some cases I've different shop associations on the same category.
We need a solution like Yosh said:
It would be awesome to have an option "keep current shop associations", perhaps it should be selectable only if "Modify only" option is previously selected.
Thank you very much!
May 12, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for a comment, Angel.
So we have 2 requests for this implementation.
From my side, I'll try to discuss this possibility with our dev. team and let you know
May 12, 2016
Angel Lorente Gracianowrote
Perfect, thank you very much ;)
May 12, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Angel, by the way, you didn't answer to my question. :-)
How do you want assign product for CSV file from Suppliers in this case?. There is no such info for Suppliers.
It works in case export -import for your Store.
May 12, 2016
Angel Lorente Gracianowrote
Hey! Sorry :D
No, is not from Suppliers. I explain my steps:
1 - I export all product that I have in Store Manager
2 - I made some changes with Excel.
3 - I import the modified file.
In step 3 is when happen the issue that we are talking as it is know.
I don't know if it's this what you need as my answer if not please tell me ;)
May 13, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
ok... no problem... it's clear :-) Thanks
May 18, 2016
We haven't heard back from you for last 5 days, please confirm that all questions were answered and issues are resolved. In case you haven't received an answer, please check your spam folder or check the status of ticket online at:
Maybe we are waiting for some information from your side? In this case please get back to us.
In case we haven't replied you back or in case of any misunderstanding, please reply to this mail with all details so we could proceed.
If you do not reply us back, the ticket will be automatically closed within 24 hours.
With kind regards,
The eMagicOne Administration Team
May 19, 2016
Angel Lorente Gracianowrote
Hi, the issue is not solved. I don't know if you have this task in cue or you need this topic in active status.
Thank you very much
May 19, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello, Angel!
This task was added in our to-do list.
I'm waiting for official Release of Store Manager and discuss the ability of the implementation to the next development plan.
Right now we have a lot of things to do in the next Release of Store Manager.
May 19, 2016
Angel Lorente Gracianowrote
Ok, I understand. Thank you very much ;)
May 19, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Let's return to this suggestion after official Release of Store Manager.
May 25, 2016
We haven't heard back from you for last 5 days, please confirm that all questions were answered and issues are resolved. In case you haven't received an answer, please check your spam folder or check the status of ticket online at:
Maybe we are waiting for some information from your side? In this case please get back to us.
In case we haven't replied you back or in case of any misunderstanding, please reply to this mail with all details so we could proceed.
If you do not reply us back, the ticket will be automatically closed within 24 hours.
With kind regards,
The eMagicOne Administration Team
Keep shop associations when we update from import option
Keep shop associations when we update from import option