Import plugin improvements

Import plugin improvements

Aug 08 (2 months ago)
Mihai Moisa wrote
I am writing to propose significant improvements to the current import feature. While the existing functionality is helpful, I believe it can be significantly enhanced to provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

Currently, the import process, particularly when converting and mapping complex data formats like XML to CSV, is often time-consuming and error-prone. The lack of real-time preview and an intuitive interface can lead to multiple iterations and user frustration.

To address these challenges, I recommend the following enhancements:

Real-time preview: Implementing a real-time preview of imported data as it is mapped would drastically reduce errors and improve the overall import process.
Intuitive interface: A node-based or visual interface would make the mapping process more intuitive and easier to understand, especially for complex data structures.
Wire mapping: Introducing wire mapping capabilities would allow for more flexible and dynamic data transformations, enabling users to connect data elements seamlessly.
Simplified data transformations: Built-in functions for common data transformations (e.g., splitting, merging, calculations) would further streamline the import process.
By incorporating these features, you can significantly enhance the import experience, reduce user errors, and increase productivity. I believe these improvements would be greatly appreciated by the user community and contribute to the overall success of the product.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal further and provide additional details.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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Aug 13 (2 months ago)
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Thank you for your request, Mihai Moisa

Your request requires quite complex changes.
Can you please clarify how you want to see changes in real-time? Once the XML file is converted, and fields are assigned, you can see all data in table format, which allows you to see what data was assigned and will be imported.

We offer free assistance with field mapping and import setup for customers with ordered licenses and active Update and Support services.

Feel free to contact us via e-mail for assistance.