Hi there...
as we use the Store Manager for manage'ment of product's and any other things around of that...
please vote for especialy field/column (invisible for customers of course...) where can be write/put in any ideas, to do's, reminders for future.. as isn't time for do it now...
- will be the best if these field will linked/working/response/refer with Outlook/OneNote or any other organiser's in both way's...
- if you use OneNote for example do you know what I mean......
- as the OneNote great working with Outlook, ExcelI and is usefull as organiser ... I think will be enough just the field on every product's where can be pasted the link which can be generated in OneNote for any note's or reminder's... or can be use for any things as user need's...
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Especialy note/maintenace/reminder field (column) in main window of SM...
Especialy note/maintenace/reminder field (column) in main window of SM...