I think the sotware is awesome, but POS would be improved.
- In my opinion, it's quite difficult to find a product (aprox 3000 products), Is it possible to find it through categories tree?
- Is it possible not showing products out of stock?
- Print tickets 80mm
I attach a video about I say : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLE1-uJoEJk
Berst Regards,
4 votes
1 Answer
Feb 16, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Well , I'm not sure about product search - see screenshot - pos-search.png
Are you talking about visual search ?
in this case this option was not implemented.
This option is not available here, But POS monitors this status before adding -
watch video - http://screencast.com/t/N7NOQER86x
scteenshot - out-of-stock.png
Thanks for your suggestion.
Finally we have the following suggestions:
1) visual search
2) out-of-stock filter
3) Print tickets 80mm
Please comment for those suggestion to speed up the implementation.