Only one product updated after bulk import

Only one product updated after bulk import

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Feb 01, 2021
Iwandd wrote
Hi there,

For some reason storemanager doesn't allow me to bulk update products.
I didn't work for updating products with images (the FTP part to WP did work?!).

And I now tried to update shipping class and again it only update the first product from my import (with over 3000 products).
The other import lines are also not in the summary:

--- Import results ---
0 data base records were inserted
1 data base records were updated
0 data base records were skipped
0 source rows were skipped
Source File Name: C:\XXXXX\shippingclassimport.csv
Operation Time: 00:00:02
Approximate Speed : 1 records per second

--- Processed IDs ---
Updated IDs [4902]


any ideas?
1 Answer
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Feb 01, 2021
Zoryana Motyka agent wrote
Hello Iwan De Dooij,

Thanks for contacting us.

Please make sure that you have selected the correct product identifier in the Import wizard >

SKU is used for new product creation and update of the existing ones and ID can be used only for the update of the existing products.

If the issue will remain, we would investigate this issue on our side. Please contact us via email ( and provide us with the following details:

- Store Configuration file (can be found at Store Manager > Preferences(F12) > Save current configuration >> )

- import file

- Import configuration file (can be saved on the last step of the import: in icf format > )

- SKU or ID of the product that can reproduce the issue.

Looking forward to your reply.