In the Product Import Addon > Import Method > Handling of Products. This is on the last window of the configuration for the Product Import.
If Handling of products that are not listed in the source file is set to "Disable products that are not listed in .csv" Then add a check box for "Re-enable" existing items in store that are listed in the .csv"
3 votes
15 Answers
Aug 26, 2016
I have to add to this the ability to match supplier in order to avoid deactivating or setting to zero all other products belonging to other suppliers.
Aug 29, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for a comment. Are you talking about this window ? see the screenshot.
Yes, this is the window. I product is in the csv and has Qty > 0 then re-enable. In this case no Supplier matching is necessary. But when deactivating, it's absolutely necessary, as the process will deactivate the whole catalog (products from other suppliers that will never be in a given supplier csv)
Aug 29, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for you comment, Dave, Let's wait for user's comments and votes.
Sep 28, 2016
Petru Atudoreiwrote
also a good option..
i don't delete product from my store
when a product that is not listed in csv.. was disabled.. if that product come back in stock than must be enabled
sorry for my english
Sep 29, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for a reply, Petru and vote.
This task was added in out future to-do list.
Sep 29, 2016
Petru Atudoreiwrote
great. this is a good news... i'ts very usefull when you import more than 2 csv files
Sep 29, 2016
Petru Atudoreiwrote
ups. workg answer.. with 2 csv files.
Sep 29, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
it's ok.. thanks for your activity :-)
Oct 05, 2016
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Oct 07, 2016
Petru Atudoreiwrote
When will be next update?
Oct 08, 2016
I am currently trying storemanager and found a few things it lacks or doesnt do pretty well, this function is one of them and is absolutly cruisial for me.
In short, support multiple imports from different suppliers, deactivate products if not in supplier csv file and reenable when back in file.
In addition, be able to choose what fields that should be updated on every run, ie price but not description etc
Oct 10, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello, Fredrik!
According to Advanced Import.
Right now we are working on Import of orders.
I guess, it's possible to include your suggestion to the next Release.
Before it, let's clarify tech. details.
1 - support multiple imports from different suppliers
Do you need to import 2-3 files at once ?
In this case, you can use automated import to run import according to the schedule.
2 - deactivate products if not in supplier csv file and reenable when back in file
You are right - this task in our to-do list.
I hope to include this task to the next Release and discuss with our Dev. team,
3 - be able to choose what fields that should be updated on every run, ie price but not description etc
In this case, you should adjust Fields mapping and remove Price field, but to leave the description.
Price will no be updated after next import.
Oct 10, 2016
Hello Sergiy
I dont need it to import multiple files at once, can run the scheduler to do one file at a time, however the key things i need is as follows:
I need to import several supplier files on a daily and sometimes weekly basis.
The import should import all products and its combinations/attributes
If product already exist in PS DB then update selected data
If product in PS DB but not in import file then deactivate product
If product in PS DB deactivated and exist in import file then reenable
When i then import my next supplier file same functions as above, but today it will deactivate my previously imported products.
The deactivation should be per product AND supplier thus supporting multiple product updates from multiple suppliers.
Alos, when importing, should be easier to select warehouse, manufacture, supplier, taxid etc for the selected import. As it is now i need to find out myself the current ID for various datafields.
Also, a more descriptive help file detailing what evry field that can be imported means, now its a bit of trial and error and testing.
I hope that explains more in details what i need.
Oct 11, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello , Fredrik!
Thanks for detailed explanation.
From my side, I'll create this task and discuss with our Dev. team according to a possibility of implementation.
Allow Product Import Addon to Re-Enable Products that are in source csv file
Allow Product Import Addon to Re-Enable Products that are in source csv file