Is it possible to have a special space to add personal comments on the order?
it could be useful to be able to see with a quick look the comments on the order.
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14 Answers
Jul 02, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello David,
Are you talking about this option?
please look at attached screenshot.
Hello Sergiy,
Not really, I take an example.
If the customer request to change his address of delivery, I will change the address of delivery for the customer, but there will not have any information that I did this change.
So If I have employees and I want to know the history of what happened, it is not possible.
If I need to put private information on the order it is not possible, it could be like "the customer needs the parcel before xx date" for an other example.
It is usefull when you have different employees who are taking care of the customer.
It's like a note on the order.
Do you understand what I mean?
Jul 02, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
It seems you need special operation log file.
Acc. to you Store Manager should write some vital action in the log.
Am I right ?
Jul 02, 2015
Yes, you are. A kind of log that could be used like the "status", but the problem of status, is status is static, and we need something flexible.
We need to put note or special mentions on the order.
Jul 02, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
So in this case you need to have special viewer to read long log history.
Jul 02, 2015
Yes, it is right.
We also need something that we could write and modify easily.
Just like we put "post-it" with private comments on the order.
Jul 02, 2015
Yosh Mwrote
I use the "Messages" tab on the order for this, since messages can be "private" (the customer doesn't see) I use them as notes. The problem is that the Store Manager does not allow to add messages there, I have to add them through the backoffice on the order page. It would be helpful to be able to add private messages via Store Manager too, definitely.
Jul 03, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Do you mean private msg or MSG from ticket system as private label in PrestaShop backend ?
see screenshots
Yes, is it true. We cannot do any modification and it is not easy and ergonomic to read theese messages
How did you got a button "Customized Data" ? :-D
Jul 03, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
This task was added in our To-do list. :-)
Jul 03, 2015
Great news.
Good luck (-;
Oct 19, 2022
Support Manageragentwrote
Writing to let you know that now it is possible to add a new message in the messages tab and also add Order Note for PrestaShop and higher.