I want to make an automated product export of some products. When I try to export products I can export them using filter option, which lead me to the product search menu. Once there I can make a filter but just with one parameter.
Can I make a filter with several parameters? I have tryed introduce diferent parameters separated by ";" but it does not work.
Text to search:
Fields to search:
How can I make filter with several parameters to use later on automated product export
How can I make filter with several parameters to use later on automated product export
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3 Answers
Jun 20, 2014
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Hello Jorge,
Thank you for your interest.
You can customize the filter that was created after search by adding new parameters - please click on Quantity -> Custom:
and set your parameters:
same you can do for Status:
Let us know if you have more qeustions
Ira Kobuljanska
Senior Support Manager
Jun 20, 2014
Jorge Alvarezwrote
Thank you Ira
My problem is that I want to use automated product export with some products filtered. And when select filter on the export wizard, ( capture_A) I can not aply filters I have created before.
If I create new filters, I have to do it on the search product wizard ( Capture_B) and then can not filter with several criteria. Ej. Filter Active products, and, with stock greater than 12. So I can not use Automated Product Plugin to send my partners only the products I want.
At the moment, Store Manager does not allow to save customized filter. Please submit feature request at:
and if the feature is voted, we will check the possibility to implement it.