How can I make filter with several parameters to use later on automated product export

How can I make filter with several parameters to use later on automated product export

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Jun 19, 2014
Jorge Alvarez wrote
I want to make an automated product export of some products. When I try to export products I can export them using filter option, which lead me to the product search menu. Once there I can make a filter but just with one parameter.

Can I make a filter with several parameters? I have tryed introduce diferent parameters separated by ";" but it does not work.

Text to search:

Fields to search:
3 Answers
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Jun 20, 2014
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Hello Jorge,

Thank you for your interest.

You can customize the filter that was created after search by adding new parameters - please click on Quantity -> Custom:
and set your parameters:
same you can do for Status:

Let us know if you have more qeustions
Ira Kobuljanska
Senior Support Manager
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Jun 20, 2014
Jorge Alvarez wrote
Thank you Ira

My problem is that I want to use automated product export with some products filtered. And when select filter on the export wizard, ( capture_A) I can not aply filters I have created before.

If I create new filters, I have to do it on the search product wizard ( Capture_B) and then can not filter with several criteria. Ej. Filter Active products, and, with stock greater than 12. So I can not use Automated Product Plugin to send my partners only the products I want.

Any help would be appreciated
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Jun 23, 2014
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Hello Jorge,

Thank you for your reply.

At the moment, Store Manager does not allow to save customized filter. Please submit feature request at:
and if the feature is voted, we will check the possibility to implement it.

Let us know if you have more questions