custom modificaition
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Dec 16, 2013
Marko wrote
Let me try to explain
i have several suppliers, their price lists a based on specific product names and sku.
for example
Canon PIXMA MG3550, CH8331B006AA
1, supplier uses full part no CH8331B006AA
2nd supplier uses part of parno 8331B006
3. uses model name Canon MG3550.
4th uses internal fixed code ,nuber , 120445 for example
so automated product import is usles

but with small interevntion, for example if we are able to do custom attribute mach
i could assign custum atribute ( supplier1 sku, supplier 2 sku )
than product identification based on this attributes per supplier would be easy.
offcourse it need to have some rule for import control to if qty on supplier stock is >0, and price lower than current

this is similiar solution
i do not know if you find them as competition .
but with just a few modification you could have a big step in store manager cappabilty.

1 Answer
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Dec 17, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
I've got it. This feature in our schedule.
Thanks for commentб Marko!