Automated Product Import for Magento

Automated Product Import for Magento

Welcome to the forum on Automated Product Import

Automated Product Import is Store Manager for Magento addon which allows you to run import and update your Magento products on daily, weekly or monthly bases automatically, using the file directly from your supplier. You can find general information on the addon and its trial version here - Documentation with step-by-step manuals which explain how to perform main operations is available at: http://automated-product-import-documentation.emag...

Images duplicated in configurable products import

Hi! I performed a configurable products import including images (see attached example file). I followed this article point by point: just to be sure that i don't forget anything. Import works fine and products are enabled and visible in frontend. However, images appear duplicated, once by each option of my product. I mean, if product has 4 options, each image appears four times....

import product with URL

is there any way to import url like magmi which can append product id or sku at end to avoid duplicated url? also generate the url by expression. i don't like magneto way to append -1 at end. example abc-111111.html
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Specify has_required in product import

Hi! i'm working with Store Manager and is really helpful. However, i'm experiencing an issue that don't know hot to solve. I made a bulk import of configurable products that depends on size and color. Everything went ok, but in frontend, in category page, i get "Please specify the product's option(s)." message instead of opening a fancybox to select my options if i try to add a product to cart. I can select my options and buy the product if go to product page. I created a product from backend a...

bridge do not sync price

i have problem with sync price regulary i have price in store manager but in magento there is no change after I run auto product import in order to upadate price i can se price is updated in store manager but not on site. and there is nothing pending after automated product import Hello Marko, Thank you for your reply. Please let us know what Store Manager version do you use during import. In case the issue occurred at version 2.19.1, please download newest one - 2.19.2 from your license acc...

FTP Error "FTP connection is not accessible"

While trying to get images to upload I was setting up FTP in preferences. When i go to test connection I get "FTP connection is not accessible, "var/www/html/" is not root directory of your store". I am not sure what is wrong Using fillzilla I can correctly ftp in to my store and transfer files back and forth. I am using the exact same setting from fillzilla. Hello Donnie, Thank you for your interest. Please contact us via e-mail at:

Category import - replace / to |

Hi, can you help me to create a sql function to replace a character for category import. I've to change Home/Vini/spumanti to Root|Home|Vini|spumanti So I've to change the character and I've to add Root| first. Thanks in advance for your attention. Ciao. Thank you for your interest. Actually, there is no need to replace delimiter from '/' to '|' - you can simply select correct delimiter at 'Select Delimiter and Quote Character' step of import wizard (see attached) Please use the following ex...

Can i disable reindex when importing categories?

Hi Is it possible to disable the reindexing while importing categories? When importing products it's a simple checkmark that needs to be removed. (See attached image) I hope someone can help? /Jesper Thank you for your reply. Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately Category Import does hot have such option, so there is no way to disable re-index during category import. Let us know if you have more questions


The image location is in my csv file as: The File exists but when I import the software tells me that the file could not be found. Can I get an answer as to what I am doing wrong. Steve That is not an actual image, just an example so it will not be found if clicked. Here is an actual image url. Disregard....figured it out! Thank you for letting us know that you figured out the ...

Importing price update to multiple stores at once

We have a spreadsheet which has the product SKU in column A and then price for each store (GBP, USD, EUR) in column B C and D. Is it possible to map each column to a store without having to do a separate import each time?
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custom modificaition

Let me try to explain i have several suppliers, their price lists a based on specific product names and sku.for example Canon PIXMA MG3550, CH8331B006AA 1, supplier uses full part no CH8331B006AA 2nd supplier uses part of parno 8331B0063. uses model name Canon MG3550.4th uses internal fixed code ,nuber , 120445 for exampleso automated product import is usles but with small interevntion, for example if we are able to do custom attribute mach i could assign custum atribute ( supplier1 sku, supplie...

import multiselect attribute magento store manager

hello,we are using the magento store manager (version 2.7.2) (shop are importing an attribute (multiple) with 20 attribute values.after the import everything looks fine and we can add the attribute values to the products with the store manager.but if we try to do it by the admin panel, the selections are not persistent.magento says: "product saved successfully" but the attribute selection is still empty.please let us know if you know this problem and how we can import attributes by st...

Price Randomly Changed to Zero

I have an automated product import that is giving me problems. Store manager is downloading a large csv file from our suppliers ftp site - all we need it to do is match up the sku and return two stock quantity fields to two custom attribute fields we have created. This works just fine, but for some reason it is also randomly overwriting our product prices to zero (just for about half the products in our list, not all of them) -- but we do not have any price fields mapped at all - there are only ...

Trouble when i import catgeory to specify the shop

When i import category, the value association isn't ok i have to associate it to my shop manually for all of my category , how i can add that argument automaticly ??

Wizard Installation problem

I am trying to set up the Store Manager for Magento with the wizard, and I'm getting stuck. I can't figure out why, I think I've filled out everything correctly.Everything up to 'Database name' is autodetecting and connecting fine.I have added my own ip address to Access Hosts, and enabled third party access to the database.All names and passwords are correct.The error I get is as in the attached screenshot - Cannot connect to database. Please check database name. The database name (autodetect) ...