We have 5000 or more different products with important information details inside the Datasheet "" Features"".
These details "" Features""it is now not posible to find with The Prestashop Manager.
The program allow now by example search inside : "''long discription"" , ""short description"". ""tags"".
We need to connect almost(5000 product) all our products to "" Manufactures "" , "" Supliers "" & "" Categories""".
We can do this only with a Search option inside the Datasheet "" Features"".(or it takes us 1000 or more hours to find product manualy)
At the front office on our website we have a simple module that can search inside Datasheet "" Features"".for locating the disired products.
If this option, to let the prestashop Manager able to search inside the Datasheet "" Features"". We will buy a new update licence, as a reward.
Kind regards,
1 vote
1 Answer
Feb 09, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
please check email - I sent my request to you.
Search possibility, inside Product Specifications, the Datasheet: "" Features ""
Search possibility, inside Product Specifications, the Datasheet: "" Features ""