Orders Export (selectable orders and selectable fields)

Orders Export (selectable orders and selectable fields)

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Nov 20, 2015
MuscleBody.GR wrote
You have now two choises..
1. "Orders Export" With an good wizard that you can select fields that you want. But it doesn't let you select which orders to export. Why to export some canceled orders... Or previous day orders..
The crazy is that for each order it makes in excel 2,3 or more lines with the same order. I cannot understand why. I think that it exports as many lines as the products that user had selected. BUG

2. "Export"
Again even if I have select some orders it export as many orders it show the window. For example 50. No field selection. No orders selection. But ok in this situation it doesn't export more than 1 line per order.

So I must choose the 2nd choise and then copy-past each row... name, telephone, addres, total and finally to make a right excel sheet and after all theese to import it at carrier software.

Do you know why we need to export the orders? JUST to import then in carrier software and send orders. Find a solution please because now I really don't understand neither why you have 2 different choises for export nor why export many times the same order the 1st option, nor why you don't let as choise which orders..
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7 Answers
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Nov 23, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Well. according to your questions.
it's possible to export orders in Store Manager for Prestashop with help of grid filter ( see export as ... Excel... ).
See screenshots presta1.png - 2 - 3

Also, this option is enabled in standalone Export Order Wizard - see screenshots
See screenshot - presta-order-wizard-filter.png

I hope this explanation will help you. :-)
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Nov 23, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
It seems you need to have such option ? screenshot -
presta-order-wizard-filter.png ?
Right ?
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Nov 24, 2015
MuscleBody.GR wrote
I am happy that there is what I want but it didn't work.... :(

See... http://prntscr.com/96ij8m
Grid filter...

But the export is...

Is it a bug??
It doesn't obey the grid filter finally.... It obey the date filter only!!
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Nov 25, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
I told before...
there are 2 variants if you want to export orders according to filter.
for example - order payment status or something another rule.

it works for product grid - see button - "export" - see pic - filter-export-1.png

filter column doesn't work for button - Export of orders. - see pic. - filter-export-doesnt-work.png
it 's known issue. This task was added in out todo list.

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Nov 26, 2015
MuscleBody.GR wrote
It is useless the "Export" because it exports a lot of useless things.
For my carrier I need only 6 collumns.
So please add the new filter for "Export orders"

When we can wait it? It is very important!!
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Nov 27, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
This task was added in our dev. to-do list.
We have tight schedule for this Release.
Right now we are working on PrestaShop Cloud support.
Estimate time of implementation - I guess - winter 2016 ( Jan.-Feb.)

From my side, I'll try to speed up development for this task. :-)
Dec 02, 2015
System wrote

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