Hi, we are regularly importing products from our suppliers but we have different categories from them.
It will be very useful to have the ability for Mapping our categories with the supplier categories and use it every time we are importing their products.
11 votes
5 Answers
Oct 16, 2019
Petter Harbo Engewrote
This feature is VERY importing when you auto-import product lists from different supplieres. Without this ability it is almost impossible to import csv lists automatically on a regular basis.
Jan 30, 2020
useful feature. if the word matches. but is it not easier to use some kind of universal code? model code or international product code (UPC)
Feb 01, 2020
What do you mean Nik? We want to automate import supplier products. We need to map supplier categories with ours, how universal code will help?
An example we have Sports->Bike->Equipment and supplier has Bicycle-> Accessories If we don't map the categories and save the mapping it's impossible to automate the import procedure.
Apr 17, 2020
Atlihan Dundarwrote
Why can't I vote? I want this feature.
Aug 05, 2020
Юрий Толстыхwrote
It would also be good to compare the article with the supplier's article. Since I have the same logic would be convenient to compare.