Question about PS email templates

Question about PS email templates

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Apr 04, 2014
Roberto Zambelli wrote
is it possible, by using Store Manager, to add, modify ad use the Prestashop standard emails templates.

Thank you very much

Roberto Zambelli
3 Answers
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Apr 04, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Roberto,

The Store Manager uses an independent e-mail templates and does not affect PrestaShop templates.
There is no way to use or modify PrestaShop e-mail templates from the Store Manager.
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Apr 04, 2014
Roberto Zambelli wrote
Hello Volodymyr,

thank for your reply.
My opinion is that it can be useful to add the ability to connect Store Manager email themplates to the Prestashop Email Templates or to another directory.
For example in my case by connecting to I hope to be able to modify the Prestashop Templates by using Store Manager.

No problem if that is not possible.
Thank you in anyway

Roberto Zambelli
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Apr 07, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Robert.

Thank you for your suggestion.

You can submit it as a feature and we will consider it in future: