How to show magento configurable product in main category, simple product in sub-category

How to show magento configurable product in main category, simple product in sub-category

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Apr 02, 2014
Ok FB wrote
I want to know how can I do this.

I want to when i click main category, just show configurable product in page, and when i click sub-category, show simple product in page.

Please help me in this, it will be really appreciated
1 Answer
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Apr 02, 2014
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Thank you for your interest.

To do so, follow 3 steps:
1. Make sure all your products visibility is set to "Catalog, Search"
2. Assign configurable products to the main category
3. Assign simple products to the sub category.

It can be done with Store Manager for Magento in 2 clicks (with no fee). Check free trial version at

Feel free to contact us if you have more questions