Improve Checkout Process
I am using Magento One Step Checkout extension by Magestore:
Do your Store Manager Extension is compatible with this extension? Hello,
Thank you for your interest
Store Manager for Magento is intended to manage only default databases and it is not compatible with any extensions, customizations, or any other integrations of third party companies.
Actually, this should not affect the possibility to update Products, Categories...
Product Custom Options need to add Quantity option.
Please I need your team to add an 3rd party Magento Extension called Advance Product Options ( in my Store Manager for Magento with a custom development.
My employee will list more than 1000 products of t-shirt and each t-shirt has different color with different size
Example: Angry Birds T-Shirt (Color:- Blue (5 qty), Red (7 qty), Yellow (10 qty)) (SIze:- S, M, L, XL)
So my employee need to add each t-shirt color a...
Products that have had their attribute set changes are no longer parent products?
I have been trying to do a bulk update for one attribute on about 7,000 products.
Out of those 7k many have not been updated. The error msg is as follows:
"Some products have not been updated, since the attribute set, they belong to, differs from that of main product. Main product is the product that is currenlty focused"
After further investigation I noticed that the products that didn't update, have had their attribute sets changed in the past.
I initially imported all products as attri...
How to show magento configurable product in main category, simple product in sub-category
I want to know how can I do this.
I want to when i click main category, just show configurable product in page, and when i click sub-category, show simple product in page.
Please help me in this, it will be really appreciated Thank you for your interest.
To do so, follow 3 steps:
1. Make sure all your products visibility is set to "Catalog, Search"
2. Assign configurable products to the main category
3. Assign simple products to the sub category.
It can be done with Store Manager for Magen...
strikethrough text in the categories and product grid??
I don't know why, may be because I use trial version, or because I use a bridge connection to MySql but all th eproducts data row are strikethrough in thr product grid?
Is there a way to change this?
thank you Hello Fred!
Thank you for your post.
The line crossing your products indicates, that their quantity value is "0" and they are out of stock.
In case the stock management is disabled (you don't use it), you can deactivate the following checkbox at the Preferences(F12) > Advanced t...