HTML editor understand non-Latin characters

HTML editor understand non-Latin characters

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Nov 22, 2013 wrote
When I insert non-latin character the editor changes them to html entities. This is wrong since they all are recognized as UTF-8.

Most WYSIWYG editors understand these characters, new version should include this option.
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8 Answers
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Nov 22, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
It works fine - please look at screen-shot -
Could you explain in details what's the problem ?
Give us more info
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Nov 23, 2013 wrote
Please check attachments
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Nov 25, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Could you explain by step by step process.

1. Step 1 - add text in text mode
2. Step 2 - view text with wrong code (for example)

Here it is video example -

I can insert Gr. language in Editor without problem -

after -
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Nov 25, 2013 wrote
I can see the problem in your video also.

I have greek character α and in raw html I see α

in raw html it should be again α and not convert it to html entity.
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Nov 25, 2013 wrote
in raw html I see &_alpha; (without the underscore)
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Nov 26, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Ok, I see.
This problem will be fixed in next Release.
For a while, you can fix it yourself

Please use this file - attached here and replace it for this path - <Store Manager Appdata>\tinymce\tinymce_editor.js
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Nov 27, 2013 wrote
YES it is solved

Thank you!
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Nov 28, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks a lot for your time and comment!