In some cases invoices are generated or modified by modules. for example in my case a module adds informations for the bank transfer. in this case the manager should be able to open the pdf online generated by prestashop. otherwise these informations are missing.
1 vote
3 Answers
Aug 08, 2014
Valeriy Shliakhtunagentwrote
You may add the information about the bank transfer into the invoice that Store Manager generates by editing theese 2 files*:
"c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\eMagicOne Store Manager for PrestaShop\Reports\Invoice.fr3"
"c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\eMagicOne Store Manager for PrestaShop\Reports\SQL\Invoice15.sql"
* if the information is stored within shop database.
Aug 09, 2014
Hello, Thank you for answer.
its a bit more complicated. its an reference number, generated by a plugin, for the bank to identify my company and the amount of the invoice. if the customer pays i can easy identify which invoice was payed.
thats how we work in switzerland.
so every invoice is modifyed by a 3th party plugin.
Aug 11, 2014
Valeriy Shliakhtunagentwrote
At the moment Store Manager does not modify (or affect in any way) php units of Prestashop store and neither its Invoice. Store Manager offers a separate fully customizable Invoice.
The immediate solution would to adjust Store Managers Invoice to display information that you need, though the information has to be inside store database. You could also contact our support team and our techs could customize the Invoice for you for a separate fee.
If the information is not stored in database, but generated by plugin "on the fly" - then the only solution is to download the online Invoice generated by Prestashop. However this feature may take a while to investigate and to implement it. The more votes this feature request gets - the faster it will be implemented.