really often, I see something that should probably not be.
After deleting pictures, the new uploaded ones (in the same product) get the same ID as the last ones. So instead of adding new images, it just replace the old ones. The other size of pictures then usually don't get generated. When it's doing so the only way I can "unbug" this is by uploading them from the BO itself. Elseway it keeps uploading them with the same ID. Kindda strange, no?
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1 Answer
Jul 02, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
ok, thanks for comment.
We'd like to reproduce such problem
Could you give us step by step protocol or screenshots ?
somthing like this:
step 1 - category AA, product id = 100 with 3 images (id -1, id-2, id-3) was deteled
steo 2 - after refresh I can see prodict id = 100 with images (id-a, id-b, id-c)
Could you provide full backup with text eplanation and products ids ?
Bug making deleted pictures to reupload on the last picture ID
Bug making deleted pictures to reupload on the last picture ID