I'm currently using Prestashop Manager v3.5.0 (build 2667)
I figured out an issue from programming when import assistant is used.
When i click on "Import Products", the popup 'Assistant starting' show then it need some time to show the assistant itself.
I figured out that, when i click on it, it launch a complex mysql query from search filters used on product category view (right view), as if we show a filter.
I don't know if it's a normal thing, i had to delete all filters to stop this query to launch each time i ask for the import assistant, now it's much faster.
Can you reproduce the issue ? And correct it on further versions ?
Import assistant generate weird query on bridge and direct connection
Import assistant generate weird query on bridge and direct connection
Reset password
2 Answers
May 17, 2021
Support Manageragentwrote
Thanks for your post. Do you mean one of these filters seems running? https://prnt.sc/131cyy9 Also did you have some of the custom filters activated or only oneof default - Show All or Filter by category?..
Please contact us also directly at contact@emagicone.com with the Logs folder C:\Users\%windows username%\AppData\Local\eMagicOne Store Manager for PrestaShop\Logs as the issue does not reproduce on our side.
May 24, 2021
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