POS Minimize and search improve

POS Minimize and search improve

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Nov 19, 2015
MuscleBody.GR wrote
Now to use store manager I must CLOSE the POS. It is far more usefull to dont need to close the POS to see something in orders or in products. Just to minimize it. There isn't any reason to don't let the user to use store manager without to close the POS that maybe he has an unfinished order.

Also when you search a product it is usefull to show Quantity except Reference, Name, Price, Attributes.
It is very annoying to chose a product and after to show me the message "Unable to add product - out of stock"
5 votes
7 Answers
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Nov 19, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Hello Harrys!
About Auto-hide POS window - this task was added in our development plan.
About q-ty of product search for POS - you are right - I'll add this task to future plan of develeopment.
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Nov 20, 2015
koutsoumpidis@yahoo.gr wrote
Great feature, would like that also. Thanks Χάρη
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Nov 20, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
please note - those tasks will not be added in current release. I guess - Winter sprints - January 2016.
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Nov 20, 2015
MuscleBody.GR wrote
Please don't be late because now it is very difficult for me to use store manager for POS and manager too.
I need another PC for properly use of but as you understand that this is imposible.

Also as I see every POS order is taking an order number. If I leave for long time open the POS with one order and at the during to finish it some people order from the website what is going on? When I will finish the POS order what order ID will get?
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Nov 23, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Here it is mock up of scenario -
I hope it'll be clear step-by-step...

see screenshot
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Nov 24, 2015
MuscleBody.GR wrote
Ok I understand this... But I have another problem.
When I am adding orders from POS I cannot see them in prestashop back office.
Only in prestashop manager.

For example I am seeing on back office orders... 5453 5454 and next 5457 because 5455 and 5456 was from POS!
If I will change status from manager then they apeared on backoffice too!

ANOTHER feature that you need to improve... when we write something for search it shows assortment from the date that the product or the attribute of a product produced. So with that way they are very confused all the search results..

See this screenshoot http://prntscr.com/96gpwj
There are many ISO 100 flavours-sizes that I produced in different dates the last 3 years that I have this product. The last 3 years I have other products with similar name... example "isotonic"
So search results are confused.
It is better to make assorment by NAME!! :)

I am waiting the new feuture that I could minimize the POS window!
You said winter 2015...
We have winter 2015 :)
Do you have exactly date?
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Nov 25, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
You told:: "ANOTHER feature that you need to improve... when we write something for search it shows assortment from the date that the product or the attribute of a product produced. So with that way they are very confused all the search results.. "

I'm note sure what exactly did you mean.
But you'll be able to filter product data through product grid filter - see screenshot

According to your screenshot - See this screenshot http://prntscr.com/96gpwj
please open separate feature request for this
According to enhancements of POS

According to our Policy, we implement a new features according to the volume of customer votes.

Right now we have 2 votes for POS.

I'm not ready to comment about of date of implementation.
Right now we are working on PrestaShop Cloud support.